Moon Mapping

The changing phases of the moon affect more than just the tidal waves. While we only observe its changing shapes and illumination, the moon also shifts its energy, directly alters our mood and emotions, and directly affects our physical and mental health.
The moon controls our subconscious emotions over parts of ourselves that we feel are inexpressible, and it tugs at those parts to help us become self-aware and recognize our inner needs.
Think of it this way; the moon has authority over the tidal waves and can shift their intensity and motion. 60% of the human body consists of water. Hence, the moon can also change the power and action of our emotions, thoughts, and way of life.
How To Understand The Moon
Moon mapping is one of the most excellent methods of understanding the moon's phases and recognizing the power of each phase.
The common belief is that each moon cycle has eight total phases where the moon changes its shape and illumination, but most importantly, it changes the energy it radiates.
With each new phase, we have the chance to harness the energy of said phase and use it to improve how we live our lives.
Suppose you are looking to understand yourself better, become more aware of your desires, goals, and ambitions, or are hoping to practice resilience and patience. In that case, moon mapping can help you transform yourself.
Alignment With The Moon
Though self-care is always helpful for personal well-being, adjusting our routines to coincide with the moon's phases can help us obtain the care we deserve when we need it.
Creating a habit of following rituals and focusing our practices on specific aspects of ourselves during the phases can help us harness and enjoy the most of its energy.
Here are a few things that we suggest!

New Moon Phase; Set Intention And Create A Vision Board
The new moon phase represents the start of a new cycle. It is a new beginning, a chance to start fresh. You can focus on what inspires you or motivates you to become a better, more grown version of yourself.
This phase is all about self-reflection. So peek within and figure out what you want from your life, whether in terms of career, opportunities, family, or yourself. Reflecting on these matters will lead to your goals for the cycle.
Once you recognize your needs and wants, you can start setting an intention for the goals you want to achieve during this moon cycle. Ensure that your goals are achievable in the given time and will bring your happiness.
Ideally, you can create a vision board for yourself, planning your actions, areas of improvement, or the changes you will have to make in your lifestyle.
However, just journaling your intention will be enough to get you in the mood for growth.
Waxing Moon Phases; Workout And Check-In
This phase is the time to work on the goals that you have set for yourself. You now know what you truly want to achieve- go, get it!
Embrace your dreams and indulge in any activity that brings you closer to actualizing your dreams and aspirations. Whether it is physical workouts, taking risks, or becoming more vocal about your love.
While doing so, please check in with your body about how it feels and revise your goals. Ask yourself whether you are acting on what you wanted, and if you are, does it feel the way it should?
These check-ins with yourself and your goals will help you stick to the right path. If there is ever anything that you do not feel comfortable with, you can drop the objective for the time being and focus on other aspects.
Full Moon Phases; Cleansing
When the full moon shines, it radiates most of its energy—the self-reflective power points towards what we need to release to move towards what we want to achieve.
This is the time to let go of anything that no longer serves you any purpose, whether it is relationships, careers, or personal habits. By doing so, you will be putting down a burden that was never yours to carry in the first place and moving towards things you deserve.
The ideal way to harness the energy in this phase is to cleanse yourself, within and without. Detox your body with good food, water, and natural ingredients. Indulge in a cleansing bath with herbs, salts, and essential oil to remove any stagnant or damaging energy from within. Ensure that during this phase, your body, mind, and spiritual self are aligned.
Waning Moon Phases; Rest, Recharge, Gratitude
Before the next cycle begins, rest and recharge for what is about to come. Go over the intentions achieved and let go of all that was not accomplished. Everything that no longer serves you any purpose, it is time to let your grasp lose and release it.
Use this time to indulge in self-care routines; yoga, workouts, massages, walks or reading a book. Whatever helps you relax and prepare yourself for the upcoming cycle.
This is also an excellent time to show gratitude to yourself and the Universe for your achievements and ability to do so. Write down what you have learned, what you plan on continuing to practice, and how you will continue to show yourself the love that you rightfully deserve.
How Does This Affect My Happiness?
Pleasure, comfort, gratitude, hope, and inspiration; are feelings of happiness that come from positive attitudes and mindsets.
The idea behind moon mapping is to help you harness that positive energy that will help you attain positive attitudes. The hopeful and inspiring power of the moon, the self-reflection of the moon, and the gratitude of the moon will help you grow into the version of yourself that you genuinely desire to be.
Happiness comes from within, and through self-reflection and moon mapping you will be able to more easily connect with your higher self, your inner wisdom and the innate joy of just being.